As the calendar flips to a new year, many of us embark on a journey of self-improvement, setting resolutions that often revolve around health and wellness. This year, imagine taking a unique perspective—a physiotherapist's point of view. Join me on a personal and professional journey to enhance mobility, stability, strength, and overall function. As a physiotherapist, I am not immune to the challenges of maintaining optimal physical well-being, and this year, I am committed to leading by example.

Resolution 1: Mobility Matters
Mobility is the cornerstone of a healthy, active life. As a physiotherapist, I understand the importance of maintaining and improving joint flexibility and range of motion. Almost every injury I see in the clinic, has a component of mobility restriction driving the client's symptoms. My resolution involves incorporating self soft tissue mobilization techniques, static and dynamic stretches and joint mobilization exercises into my daily routine. Specifically, I have stiff ankles and hips from 35 years of high volume running and cycling and will dedicate a minimum of 5 minutes once per day to increasing ankle dorsiflexion, hip external rotation and hip extension.

Resolution 2: Stability for a Solid Foundation
Stability is the key to preventing injuries and optimizing movement. In the coming year, I will focus on enhancing my core and scapular stability and lower extremity balance. By incorporating exercises that target the core muscles, such as planks, bridges, and wobble board exercises, I will contribute to a solid foundation. By cultivating stability, I am not only fortifying my body against injury but also improving my overall posture and body awareness.

Resolution 3: Strengthening the Building Blocks
Strength is the engine that propels us through life's challenges. From lifting groceries to climbing stairs, strength plays a pivotal role in daily activities. My resolution involves a structured strength-training program that targets different muscle groups. This includes both resistance training and functional movements, ensuring that I build strength that translates into real-world functionality. As a physiotherapist, I recognize the importance of balanced strength to support joint health and prevent imbalances that can lead to injuries. I can't overemphasize the importance of specific strength sessions 3+ days per week for all ages.

Resolution 4: Functional Fitness for Everyday Living
Functionality is the ultimate goal. I aim to bridge the gap between traditional exercise routines and the demands of everyday life. As a physiotherapist, I understand the significance of incorporating functional movements into my training regimen. This year, I will focus on exercises that mimic the activities I encounter daily, such as squatting, lifting, and reaching. By aligning my workouts with real-life movements, I am not only improving my overall fitness but also promoting long-term joint health and mobility.
As a physiotherapist embarking on a journey of self-improvement, my New Year's resolutions are not just personal goals but a commitment to practicing what I preach. By prioritizing mobility, stability, strength, and functional fitness, I am not only investing in my own well-being but also setting an example for my clients and patients. Let this year be a testament to the transformative power of adopting a holistic approach to health—one that encompasses the principles of physiotherapy and paves the way for a more mobile, stable, strong, and functional future.
Dan Morwood Physiotherapist, DPT, CAFCI, CGDNT
Peak Performance Physiotherapy & Sports Rehab
email: dan
text/phone: (807)407-4003
